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*NEW* Fossil Brittle Star, Ophiuroidea sp., 485-444 Million Years BP
Size: 110mm, 300g
Condition: Fine condition
Provenance: Found El Kaid Errami, Tafilalt, Morocco, North Africa; froman old German collection
£70 (P&P FREE to UK other locations please ask) #807
Fossilised and Polished Ammonite, Devonian, 417-354BP
Condition: Some good detail, formed into ammonite shape.
110g, 73mm x 26mm
£17 (P&P FREE to UK other locations please ask)
Fossil Trilobite, Leonapsis sp, Devonian Period 380 Million Years BP
This trilobite is from the family Odontopleuridea and the genus Leonapsis whose exoskeleton tends to be very spine-like. Examples of this trilobite have been found on all continents except Antarctica. Our example has a slight repair and comes on its stone matrix. It was found in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco in the Hamar L'Aghdad limestone areas.
From an old Cambridgeshire collection.
£65 (FREE P&P to all locations)
Reedops sp. trilobite, alive during the Upper Devonian period, c 385-359 million years BP. From the Atlas Mountains, Morocco.
On matrix 126g, fossil 52mm long x 21mm wide
£65 (P&P FREE to all locations)
A wonderful little fossil, great as a gift for children. Ignite their passion for history and even paleontology!
An almost complete Silurian fossil Trilobite impression, fossil size 24mm x 20mm.
Supplied in small film suspension dispaly box.
£16 (P&P FREE to all locations)
A wonderful little fossil, great as a gift for children. Ignite their passion for history and even paleontology!
An almost complete Silurian fossil Trilobite on its substrate, fossil size 15mm x 11mm.
Supplied bubble wrapped.
£12 (P&P FREE to all locations)
Baltic Amber with Insect Inclusion, 45 Million Years BP
For any lover of the Jurrasic Park films, a 45 million year old piece of amber containing insects. A mosquito and flies are noted in some pieces. Whether you can retrieve DNA is up to you, but these little nuggets are truly beautiful and come from the Oligocene period! 5 available for sale.
Average size 20mm x 13, 0.67g
£15 each (+ £2 P&P, non-UK locations please ask)
Fossilised Pine Cone, Eocene 55-33 Million Years BP
Well preserved coniferous seed cones are relatively rare, this agatizes cone comes from what is now the Western Sahara desert in Morocco, which tells us that at one time it must have been heavily forested. Fossilisation takes place over long periods of encapsulation within silt layers underwater or being covered quickly by ash, so that oxygen is deprived and in turn deterioration and decomposition is slowed, allowing miniralisation to take place instead.
40mm x 17mm, 13.8g
Prov: From an old Bristol collection acquired in the 50's
Condition: Well preserved with good scale definition but some encrustations adhering.
Will be supplied in a small dispaly box, it can be removed.
£90 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1243