*NEW* Titus Under Vespasian, Silver Denarius, Rome, Jupiter, AD 76
Reverse: Jupiter, bearded, naked, standing, sacrificing out of a patera over a low garlended altar IOVIS CVSTOS
Size: 18.5mm, 3.18g
Grade: VF
Ref: RIC II.1 2nd ed Vespasian 874
£250 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1479d
*NEW* Titus Under Vespasian, Silver Denarius, Rome, Quadriga, AD 79 SCARCE
Reverse: Slow quadriga left, with basket-like car in which there are three corn stalks, TR POT VIII COS VII
Size: 18.5mm, 3.18g
Grade: AVF/F
Ref: RIC II.1 2nd ed Vespasian 1073
£200 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1479c
*NEW* Titus, Silver Denarius, Rome, Rostral Column, AD 79 RARE
Reverse: Statue of radiate male on rostral column, holding spear and parazonium, TR P VIIII IMP XV COS VII P P
Size: 18mm, 3.42g
Grade: AVF/F
Ref: RIC II.2 Titus 46
£120 (P&P FREE to all locations)
*NEW* Titus Under Vespasian, Silver Denarius, Rome, Annona, AD 77-78
Reverse: Annona, draped, seated left on throne, feet on stool, holding on her lap a sack of corn-ears open, holding the ties in her hands, ANNONA AVG
Size: 19mm, 3.25g
Grade: F
Ref: RIC II.1 Vespasian 972
£100 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1393
Titus as Augustus, Silver Denarius, Square Seat Draped, Rome Mint, AD 80
Obv: Head of Titus, right
Rev: Square seat draped, three crescents in triangular frame, adorned with corn-ears
Size: 3.3g, 17mm
Grade: AVF
Ref: RIC II 124
£260 (P&P FREE to all locations)
Titus, Restitution Issue Dupondius, Rome, Livia as Pietas, AD 80-81
Reverse: Large SC to centre, legend around probably IMP T CAES DIVI VEST F AVG RESTIT
Size: 27mm, 11.27g
Grade: VF some mottled corrosion
Ref: RIC II.1 426-8, RARE
Prov: Ex Roma, previously a Belgian collection
£175 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1203
Titus as Augustus Left Facing Bust Silver Denarius, Single
Reverse: Capricorn over a globe below, TR P VIIII XV COS VII P P
Size: 18mm, 2.88g
Grade: Fine, a rare piece, more so than the double capricorn variety and more so than the right facing bust
Ref: RIC II.1 38; RSC 294 var
£220 (P&P FREE to all locations)
****Titus as Augustus, AE20, Lycaonia, Lystra AD 79-81, RARE****
Size: 3.14g, 20mm
£180 (P&P FREE to all locations)
Titus as Augustus, Silver Denarius, Kneeling Captive, Rome Mint, AD 79
Size: 18mm, 3.12g
Grade: VF/AVF
Ref: RIC II.1 Titus 12, RARE
Note: There is some dispute as to whether this coin comemorates Judean or British capture, the latter is the most likely, but it is indeed a crossover coin from the throne of Vespasian to Titus.
£280 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1479d