History Coins
History Coins

Edward IV

Edward IV, 2nd Reign Silver Penny, Durham Mint, Bp. Booth, 1471-1483

Obverse: Crowned facing bust, B to left of crown, V on breast, crosses at shoulders 

Reverse: Long cross with three large pellets in each quarter and one extra small pellet in each, V under C of CIVI; D in centre (but not clear), CIVI TAS DVNO LMIE (Durham mint under Bishop Booth)

Size: 15mm, 0.70g

Grade: AVF for type, slightly clipped, with weak areas, but really a great coin and an example of how to get as much as you can on a small flan!

Ref: S2120


£95 (P&P FREE to all locations) #403

Edward IV, 2nd Reign Silver Penny, Durham Mint, Bp. Booth, 1471-1483

Obverse: Crowned facing bust, B to left of crown, V on breast, crosses at shoulders


Reverse: Long cross with three large pellets in each quarter and one extra small pellet in each, V under C of CIVI; D in centre (but not clear), CIVI TAS DVNO LMIE (Durham mint under Bishop Booth) 

Ref: S2120

15mm, 0.70g

Grade: AVF for type, slightly clipped, with weak areas, but really a great coin and an example of how to get as much as you can on a small flan!




£95 (P&P FREE to all locations) #403

Edward IV, Silver Groat, Light Coinage, Bristol Mint, Crown mm, 1468-1469

Obverse: Crowned facing bust, B on breast, quatrefoils at neck, Crown mm EDWARD DI GRA REX ANGL Z FRANC

Reverse: Long cross with two concentric circles of legend, inner, VIL LA+B RIS TOL

25mm, 3.02g

Grade: AVF slight loss to edges

Ref: S2004





£300 (P&P FREE to all locations)



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NEW this month:

STAR COIN: A beautiful gold histamenon of Michael VII Ducas


NEW specific emperors of Imperial Rome, such as NeroVespasian, Caligula & Claudius.


Alexander the Great 'Lifetime issue' Amphipolis mint now for sale!


Additional coins of Henry VIII are now for sale.


A very rare Harold Bluetooth now available!


More fantastic coins are available at our partner site The Hoard, do take a look at their great ceramics and glass too!


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