History Coins
History Coins

Emperor Augustus (Octavian)

Augustus, or Gaius Octavian Thurinus as he was born in 63BC, was the founder of Imperial Rome and its first emperor. He reigned for 41 years and is considered one of the best emperors if not the best. He was married three times but only had one daughter, who, according to Roman law was not eligible to take the throne on Augustus' death. He was finally 'forced' to adopt his third wife's (Livia) son, Tiberius, as his heir and the rest is history, as they say.

Augustus, Silver Denarius, Lugdunum, 10 BC, RARE

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, AVGVSTVS DIVI F

Reverse: Diana Venatrix, wearing long hunting tunic and low polos on head, advancing to right, with right hand drawing an arrow from quiver slung behind her and holding bow in left

Ref: RIC 197a

Grade: VF, small banker's mark on obverse

20mm, 3.75g

£750 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, Silver Denarius, Lugdunum, 2 BC-AD 12

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right

Reverse: Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, two shields and two spears between them; above, on left, simpulum right, and on right, lituus left

Ref: RIC 207

Grade: VF

18.5mm, 3.38g

History note: This sought after denarius comes from the time of the birth of Jesus, struck approximately 2 BC to AD 4. It may well have been used in combination with other coinages in Judea and the surrounding areas. Augustus was emperor over the vicinity, but he made Herod king. The reverse shows Augustus's two grandsons, whom he adopted to make them heirs to the throne. Sadly, both predeceased him, and his wife, Livia, paved the way for her own son, Tiberius, to take the throne on Augustus's death.

£400 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first) #327

Augustus, Silver 'Bull Butting' Denarius, Lugdunum, 15-13 BC

Obverse: Bare head of Augustus, right, AVGVSTVS DIVI F

Reverse: Bull butting, right, IMP X in exergue

Ref: RIC 167a

Grade: VF

17mm, 3.49g


£800 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, Silver Denarius, Struck Colonia Patricia, 18 BC

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, CAESARI AVGVSTO

Reverse: Domed hexastyle temple of Mars Ultor containing legionary eagle between two standards, MAR VLT

Ref: Sear 1623

Grade: EF, very light banker's marks on cheek

18mm, 3.71g


£520 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, AE 22, Amphipolis, Macedon, 27 BC-AD 14

Obverse: Bare head of Augustus, right, KAIΣAPOΣ [ΣEBAΣT]OY

Reverse: Artemis Tauropolos, holding billowing veil, riding bull leaping to right, AMΦIΠ[OΛEITΩN]

Ref: RPC 1629

Grade: VF

22mm, 6.65g


£95 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, AE 16, Phrygia, Laodicea ad Lycum, 15 BC

Obverse: Bare head of Augustus, right, lituus to right

Reverse: Serpent entwined staff, ZEUXIS PHILALETHES

Ref: RPC 2895

Grade: Near VF

16mm, 1.67g


£65 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, with Gaius Caesar, AE 19, Phrygia, Apameia, 27 BC-AD 14, Rare

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, ΣEBAΣTOΣ

Reverse: Gaius Caesar standing in facing quadriga, holding sceptre, ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAP above, ΓAIOΣ MAΣΩNIOΣ POYΦOΣ [AΠAMEΩN] in three lines below

Ref: RPC 3129

Grade: AVF/VF+

19mm, 5.56g


£130 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first) #757

Augustus, with Gauis Caesar, AE 19, Phrygia, Apameia, 5 BC

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, ΣEBAΣTOΣ

Reverse: Gaius Caesar standing in facing quadriga, holding sceptre, ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAP above, ΓAIOΣ MAΣΩNIOΣ POYΦOΣ [AΠAMEΩN] in three lines below

Ref: RPC 3129

Grade: VF

19mm, 4.56g


£140 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first) #148

Augustus, AE 26, Lugdunum, AD 9-14

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI PATER PATRIAE

Reverse: Altar of Lugdunum, ROM ET AVG

Ref: RIC 230

Grade: VF+/EF, unusually good condition for this coin; red oxide deposits (these only come with great age, therefore act as an authenticity qualifier) and nice brown patina

26mm, 11.15g

Prov: Ex Lucernae Numismatics

£190 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first) #35

Augustus, Divus Augustus, Copper As, 15 BC

Obverse: Radiate bust of Augustus, left, DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER

Reverse: Façade of altar-enclosure of the Ara Providentiae Augusti, with double panelled door and horns of the altar visible above, S C PROVIDENT

Ref: RIC 81

Grade: F

27mm, 9.86g


£100 SOLD #780

Augustus & Agrippa, AE As, Nemausus, 10-14 AD

Obverse: Back-to-back heads of Agrippa, left, wearing rostral crown, and Augustus, right, bare, IMP DIVI F

Reverse: Crocodile, right, chained to palm, wreath with long ties trailing above, two palms below, COL NEM

Ref: RPC 522, RIC 154

Grade: AVF

24mm, 15.17g


£260 SOLD #233

Augustus & Agrippa, AE As, Nemausus, 10-14 AD

Obverse: Back-to-back heads of Agrippa, left, wearing rostral crown and laurel wreath, and Augustus, right, wearing oak-wreath, IMP DIVI F P P

Reverse: Crocodile, right, chained to palm, wreath with long ties trailing above, two palms below, COL NEM

Ref: RPC 525, RIC 160

Grade: Fine

25mm, 12.73g


£190 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first) #756

Augustus, AE Semis, Lugdunum, 10-14 AD

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE

Reverse: Altar of Lugdunum ROM ET AVG

Ref: RIC 234

Grade: AVF, reverse off centre but most detail is evident

19mm, 4.53g


£80 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, AE 26, Spain, Colonia Patricia, 27 BC-14 AD

Obverse: Bare head of Augustus, left

Reverse: COLONIA PATRICIA in two lines

Ref: RPC Vol 1, 129

Grade: VF, dark patina and good detail for this coin type

26mm, 8.3g

Prov: Ex Lockdales


£95 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, Silver Denarius, Lugdunum, 27 BC-14 AD

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE

Reverse: Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, each togate and resting hand on shield, spear behind each shield, simpulum and lituus above, C L CAESARES in exergue

Ref: RIC 207

Grade: AVF

18mm, 3.66g


£250 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, AE Semis, Caesaraugusta, Spain, 8-1 BC

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, [AVGVSTVS] DIVI F

Reverse: Vexillum on basis, II-VIR across fields, CAESARV[GVSTA M POR]CI CN FAD

Ref: RPC 315

Grade: VF, not often seen in this grade

21mm, 6.36g

Prov: Ex Roma Numismatics

£130 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)

Augustus, Silver Denarius, Gaius & Lucius Caesar, Lugdunum Mint,

2 BC-AD 4

Obverse: Laureate bust of Augustus, right, CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE

Reverse: Gaius and Lucius Caesar standing facing, each togate and holding a spear with hand resting on a shield between them; simpulum and lituus above, AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT; CL CAESARES in exergue

Ref: RIC 1 207

Grade: F

19mm, 3.7g


£110 (P&P FREE, other locations please ask first)



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