*NEW* Thessalian League, AR Drachm, Athena/Horse,100 BC
*NEW* Larissa, Thessaly, AE11 Trihemiobol, Larrisa/Horseman, 350-325 BC
*NEW* Thessaly, Tricca, AR Hemidrachm, Bull/Horse, 420-400 BC
Reverse: Bridled horse running right, TPI K KAI ON (retrograde)
Size: 17mm, 2.44g
Grade: F/AVF
Ref: SNG Oxford 3933
£110 (P&P FREE to all locations)
*NEW* Bithynia, Nikomedes III, AR Tetradrachm, 103 BC
Obverse: Diademed head of Nikomedes III Euergetes, right
Reverse: BAΣIΛEΩΣ EΠIΦANOΥΣ NIKOMHΔOΥ, Zeus Stephanophoros standing front, head to left, crowning the king's name with a spray like wreath in his right hand, long sceptre in his left; to left, eagle standing left on thunderbolt above monogram MP and HϘP (date 198 = 103 BC)
Size: 34mm, 16.78g
Grade: VF+
Ref: Var. of BMC 13. 214. 14, SNG von Aulock 6900
£580 (P&P FREE to all locations) #770
*NEW* Elis, Olympia, AR Tritartemorion, Hera/Eagle, 348-240 BC
Reverse: F A, eagle standing right, head reverted
Size: 8mm, 0.47g
Grade: F, some corrosion, but good detail for size of the coin
Ref: BCD Olympia 179 var., CD 179
£130 (P&P FREE to all locations)
*NEW* Thasos, Thrace, AR Hemiobol, Dionysos/Dolphin, 411-350 BC
Reverse: Θ A, leaping dolphin with incuse square, left
Size: 8mm, 0.27g
Grade: AF
Ref: SNG Cop 1035
£30 (P&P FREE to all locations)
*NEW* Thasos, Thrace, AR Tritemorion, Satyr/Dolphins, 411-350 BC
Reverse: Θ A Σ I, two dolphins swimming left and right, one above the other
Size: 8mm, 0.38g
Grade: AF
Ref: BMC 60, SNG Cop 1033
£35 (P&P FREE to all locations)
Neapolis, Campania, Silver Didrachm, Nymph/Man-headed Bull, 300-275 BC
Reverse: Man-headed bull, head facing, walking right; above, Nike flying right, placing wreath on bull's head, Θ between legs, NEOΠOΛITΩN in exergue
Size: 19mm, 7.11g
Grade: GVF, wonderful portrait but surfaces a little rough
Ref: SNG ANS 376-378, SNG Cop 433
Pov: Ex Timeline
£460 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1512
Persia, Lydia, Silver Siglos, Persian King, 420-375 BC
Reverse: Incuse punch
Size: 15mm, 5.44g
Grade: AVF
Ref: Sear 4683, BMC 172
£130 (P&P FREE to all locations)
Kelenderis, Cilicia, Silver Obol, Pegasos/Goat, 420-400 BC
Reverse: Goat kneeling right, head left, KEΛ
Size: 9mm, 0.81g
Grade: VF+/VF
Ref: SNG Levante 27-8, SNG France 80-92
Prov: Ex Roma Numismatics
£75 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1449
Ancient Greek, Cilicia, Tarsos, Silver Stater, Balakros, 333-323 BCE
Sicily, Kamarina (Camarina) Silver Litra, Nike Over Swan/Athena,
480-400BC - RARE
Reverse: Athena standing on the left, helmeted, holding a long javelin in her right hand; in front of her, at her feet, a shield
Grade: Typically this coin is slightly off centre and rarely in good state, this is a reasonable example of a rare coin.
13mm, 0.67g
£150 (P&P FREE to UK other locations please ask)
Calabria, Tarentum, Silver Didrachm, Youth On Horseback/Dolphin,
c3rd Century BC
Reverse: Taras seated on dolphin, left, holding kanthros and trident, TARAS below, B to right
Grade: VF+, very scarce variety with urns on groundline, dark toning and well centred, comes with old ticket
19.5mm, 5.67g
Ref: S363var
£400 (P&P FREE to UK other locations please ask first)
Thessaly, Thessalian League, Silver Stater, Zeus/Athena, c2nd to 1stC BC
Reverse: ΘEΣΣA/ΛΩN - ΦΙΛΩΝstar and IΠΠOΛOXOΣ Athena Itonia striding right, hurling spear with her right hand and holding shield on her left arm (magistrates Philon and Hippolochos)
Ref: BDC Thessaly II 869.2
22mm, 5.10g
Grade: VF
£270 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask)
Cilicia, Kelenderis, Silver Stater, Dismounting Rider, 430-420BC
Reverse: Goat kneeling to left, KEΛE, branch with ivy leaves and berries above
Ref: SNG von Aulock 5620
10.8g, 21mm
Grade: VF, nicely toned, ancient test cut (if only they had had XRF in those days!)
Prov: from the Michael Higley Collection
£350 (P&P FREEto UK, other locations please ask)
Caria, Rhodos, Silver Drachm, 88BC-14AD
Rhodos, according to Greek mythology was made for Helios (the sun god) after Zeus forgot him when he was giving out islands. His wife was called Rhodos, which means 'rose' so there was an obvious connection for the coins. The three-quarter facing pose of Helios on the obverse of the coins was a challenge for the engravers. The rose on the reverse is probably a Dog Rose; a fitting tribute to this beautiful yet simple plant as it was enjoyed by the ancient Greeks for its cosmetic and medicinal value.
£330 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask)
Pamphylia, Aspendos, Silver Stater, 370-333BC
Reverse: EΣTFEΔIIYΣ, slinger standing right, loosing shot, triskeles to right, all within dotted square
Ref: BMC 26, Sear 5396 var
22mm, 10.27g
Grade: AVF
£300 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask)
Mysia, Pergamon, Silver Tetradrachm c133-67 BC
Grade: Nearly extremely fine, obverse off-centre which is often the case with these coins
12.54g, 27 x 2.5mm
Ref: SNG Copenhagen 427, Sear 3947-3950 var
£240 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask first)
Thrace, Istros, AR Obol (or Quarter Drachm or Stater) Two Male Heads/Sea-Eagle & Dolphin, BC400-350
Reverse: IΣTΡIH above sea-eagle, left, on dolphin, AΠ monogram below
10mm, 0.87g
Grade: VF for type
Ref: S1670
£120 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask)
Attica, Athens, Classic Silver Tetradrachm, c449-413BC, Athena/Owl
Reverse: Owl standing, right, olive sprig and crescent behind with AOE all in an incuse square.
24mm, 17.06g
Grade: VF for type, contemporary graffiti to right of field possibly a Greek letter?
Prov: Ex British private collection
Ref: S2526
£900 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask first)
Macedonia as a Roman Province. A Greatly Historical Coin Exhibiting Two Languages. Aesillas as Quaestor, Silver Tetradrachm, 95-70BC
Note: A remarkable coin produced by the Romans to appeal to the Macedonians. Both Greek and Latin are displayed, and the power of Rome is also demonstrated with the tax collectors name and tools of his trade on the reverse! This coin could be equally shown on the Roman or Alexander pages!
£370 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask)
Thessaly, Larissa, AR Drachm, c.350-325BC
Reverse: LARIS horse facing right, preparing to lie down, AIO[N] in exergue
Grade: VF, slightly off-centre but otherwise handsomely struck
19mm, 6.12g
Ref: SNG Cop 121
£650 (P&P FREE to all locations)
Phoenicia, Arados, Silver Drachm, ?Yr 86 (41-40BC)
Reverse: Stag standing right, palm tree in background, ARADION (in Greek) to right
Grade: VF/VF+ a little porous
18mm, 3.93
Ref: S5989
Prov: Ex Dix Noonan Web (now Noonans)
£400 (P&P FREE to UK other locations ask)
Macedon (Roman Protectorate) Republican Period, First Meris
Silver Tetradrachm, Amphipolis, c167-149BC
Reverse: Club to right; above monogram, below two monograms; around oak wreath; thunderbolt to left, legend in Greek above and below
34mm, 16.74g
Ref: SNG Cop 1314-5
Grade: VF, slightly double struck
Prov: Ex Leu Numismatics, Switzerland
£650 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1178
Parthia, Orodes II, Silver Tetradrachm c57-38BC
Reverse: King enthroned, left, holding Nike, several lines of legend in Greek each side of Orodes
Grade: AVF
Ref: Sellwood 48.1, Shore 212
28mm, 13.25g
£280 (P&P FREE to UK other locations ask)
Parthia, Osroes II, Silver Drachm, Ecbatana Mint c. AD190
Reverse: Central archer enthroned, right, holding bow, beneath monogram, several lines of blundered legend each side of archer consisting of pellets
Grade: VF
Ref: Sellwood 85 var
19mm, 3.38g
£50 (P&P FREE to UK other locations ask)
Parthian Kingdom, Phraates IV, Silver Drachm c38-2BC
Reverse: Central archer enthroned, right, holding bow, beneath monogram, several lines of legend in Greek each side of archer
Grade: VF/F
Ref: S7472
19mm, 3.34g
£55 (P&P FREE to UK other locations ask)