History Coins
History Coins

Edward VI

*NEW* Edward VI, Fine Silver Issue Half Crown, 'y' Mint Mark,

1551, SCARCE

Obverse: King on horseback, horse with plume walking right, legend reads EDWARD VI D G AGL FRA Z hIBER REX

Reverse: Square topped shield over long cross fourchée, mint mark 'y' at start of legend

Size: 37mm, 15.38g

Grade: VF+, grey toned

Ref: S2479; N1934 SCARCE

Prov: Ex. Morton & Eden, part of the Motcomb collection of British Coins (pt III); previously H.H. Snellenburg Jr. collection


£4,100 (P&P FREE to all locations) #1740

Edward VI, Silver Shilling, Debased Issue, 2nd Issue, Swan Mint Mark,


Obverse: Crowned bust profile to left (? bust 5) EDWARD VI D G AGL FRA HIB REX or similar

Reverse: Oval shield, heavily garnished, E to left R to right, TIMOR DO MINI FONS VITE MDL (1550)

Size: 29.5mm, 4.52g

Grade: Fine, good portrait for type, surface cracking and punch to middle

Ref: S2466B


£300 (P&P FREE to all locations)

Edward VI, Silver Shilling, Fine Issue, 3rd Issue, Tun Mint Mark, 1551-3

Obverse: Crowned bust three quarters to left, rose to left, denomination to right

Reverse: Long cross over royal shield

Size: 33mm, 6g

Grade: Fine, portrait shadowy but discernible

Prov: Ex DNW, comes with old Seaby envelop and ticket




£310 (P&P FREE to all locations)

Edward VI, Silver Sixpence, Fine Issue, Tun MM, 1551-53

Obverse: Crowned bust with three-quarter turn left, rose in front, denomination behind

Reverse: Long cross over shield of arms, legend around

Size: 27mm, 2.84g

Grade: F+, some areas of weakness, a little buckled, but a lovely coin




£210 (P&P FREE to all locations)

Edward VI, Silver Shilling, Fine Issue, 3rd Issue, Y Mint Mark, 1551

Obverse: Crowned bust three quarters to left, rose to left, denomination to right

Reverse: Long cross over royal shield

Size: 33mm, 5.94gg

Grade: VF, nice portrait for type and attractively toned, light crease mark

Ref: S2482 

Prov: Ex DNW


£270 SOLD



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NEW this month:

STAR COIN: A beautiful gold histamenon of Michael VII Ducas


NEW specific emperors of Imperial Rome, such as NeroVespasian, Caligula & Claudius.


Alexander the Great 'Lifetime issue' Amphipolis mint now for sale!


Additional coins of Henry VIII are now for sale.


A very rare Harold Bluetooth now available!


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