History Coins
History Coins

Alexander the Great (356-323BC)

History and Coins for Sale

Alexander (the Great) III only reigned for 13 years, dying heirless, at the age of 33 years. During this time on the Macedonian throne he managed to conquer most of the known world, from Greece to India. He was born in 356BC to Philip II and took the throne in 336 on the assassination of his father. His coinage is vast and can be split into two periods:


During his reign, the so called lifetime issues (his father's coinage was used for a while during this period) were mint.


After his death, with no successor, the ruling void resulted in 4 decades of civil war and the coinage produced by the Diadochi (the generals taking power) has become known as the posthumous issues. 


The diadochi consisted of Alexander's 4 generals: his friend Lysimachos, who took Thrace and most of Asia Minor; Cassander, who ruled Macedonia and Greece; Ptolemy I (the most successful) Egypt, Palestine, Cilicia, Petra and Cyprus; and Seleucus I Nicator, the remainder of Asia.


Of the denominations issued from 336 to 280BC, gold staters, silver tetradrachms, hemidrachms and drachms were the most prolific, from many mints, and the coinage of Lysimachos has become sought after by collectors for its artistry and the possibility of having the likeness of Alexander on its obverse. However, his lifetime issues seem to be valued more by collectors.


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*NEW* Thrace, Mesembria, in the Name & Types of Alexander III (the Great), AR Tetradrachm, 175-125 BC, VERY RARE

Obverse: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress

Reverse: Zeus Aëtophoros seated on stool-throne left, holding an eagle in his right hand, a long sceptre in his left; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ right, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ left; crested Corinthian helmet below (Price Monogram 1182, inner left field consisting of M, Δ, O, and Π, Price Monogram 1178 MB monogram below throne, consistng of Π, Μ, Υ, and Β)

Size: 32mm, 16.47g

Grade: VF+

Ref: Price 1105, Muller 451

Prov: Ex Roma Numismatics




£650 (P&P FREE to all locations)

Macedonia, Alexander III (the Great) Silver Tetradrachm, Lifetime Issue, Amphipolis, Under Antipater, 332-336BC VERY RARE

Obv: Head of Hercules, right, clad in lion's skin


Rev:  Zeus Aetophoros seated left holding eagle and sceptre, diagonal thunderbolt in left field, ALEXANDROY legend to right


16.73g, 26mm

Ref: Price 8, Troxell A4

Grade: VF+, very rare lifetime issue; grey, slightly uneven toning  

Prov: Ex Roma


£720 (P&P FREE to all locations)

Alexander III of Macedon, Silver Tetradrachm, Babylon Mint, 'Lifetime Issue' 325-323BC

Obverse: head of Herakles, right, wearing lionskin headdress


Reverse: Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; pileus with M below in left field,  IFLI monogram below throne, legend AΛEΞANΔPOY on the right

17.01g, 26mm

Grade: VF, scarce type of Babylon mint

Ref: Price 3650 see PELLA entry for type, Muller 222, Demanhur hoard 4425-4431

Prov: Ex TimeLine



£600 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask)

Kingdom of Macedon, Reign of Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Tetradrachm, Type of Alexander (the Great) III, Babylon, 323-317BC




Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress

Rev: Zeus Aetophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, monograms in left field and below throne, legend ΦIΛIΠΠO[Y] to right. Legend below in exergue.

Ref: Price P189

17.15mm, 28g 3h

Grade: Very Fine


£470 (P&P free to UK, other locations please ask)

Kingdom of Macedon, Reign of Kassander, AR Tetradrachm, In the Name and Type of Alexander (the Great) III, Amphipolis, 315-294BC




Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress

Rev: Zeus Aetophoros seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, torch monogram in left field and bee below throne, ALEXANDROY legend  to right. 

Ref: Price 453

17.17mm, 27g 6h

Grade: Very Fine +


£500 (P&P free to UK, other locations please ask)

Kings of Macedon, Salamis, In the Name of Alexander III (the Great) Bronze AE, 336-323 BC


Obverse: Macedonian shield, facing head of Medusa (gorgoneion) in center, five double crescents and five groups of five pellets alternating around

Reverse: crested Macedonian officer's helmet facing, flanked by B - A (BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞAN∆POY - King Alexander) and caduceus control below

13mm, 2.01g

Grade: Very fine, good detail for type, slightly weak to right of reverse

Ref: Price 3158  (alternative example on Greek Copper)

£70 (P&P FREE to UK, other locations please ask) #48

Alexander III of Macedon, Silver Tetradrachm, Amphipolis Mint, 'Lifetime Issue' 325-320BC

Obverse: head of Herakles, right, wearing lionskin headdress


Reverse: Zeus seated left, legs parallel; holding eagle and sceptre, ΠAΘΓ monogram in left field, legend BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY on the right

17.09g, 25mm x 5mm thick

Grade: VF+ beautiful example

Ref: Price 121; Mueller 860; Demanhur hoard 1512-1537; SNG Cop 686. See Wildwinds entry - this coin (find Price 121) 

Prov: Ex TimeLine; previously a UK collection



£660 SOLD

In the Types and Style of Alexander III of Macedon, Kings of Thrace, Lysimachos AR Drachm, Lampsakos, 299-296BC


Obverse: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion kin headdress


Reverse: Zeus Aetophoros seated left, holding sceptre; Pegasos forepart to left above lion's forepart, torch below throne, BASILEWS to right, LYSIMACHOS in exergue

18mm, 4.28g

Ref: Price L11, Muller 24, Thompson 35

Grade: VF+ a superb example although reverse is a little off centre

Prov: Ex Roma



£190  SOLD



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